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Roulette Wheel & Table

Roulette remains a classic and frequently played casino game to this day. It comes in three primary forms: European, French, and American, which are the templates for any new variants. Although these versions share many traits, each has distinctive differences in their setups, wheels, and layouts, lending a unique aspect to their gameplay. With practice, you'll be able to identify the subtle game-changing features on your own. We've gathered all the essential details to assist you.

Decoding the Wheel's Numbers and Colors

The roulette wheel consists of numbers 1 to 36 set in alternating red and black slots. The European version includes one green '0' slot, whereas the American version incorporates an additional green '00' slot, which indicates the house advantage. Recognizing these designs is crucial for players to place strategic bets and understand the game’s flow.

Essential Elements of the Roulette Wheel

The roulette wheel is a critical element in the game, containing numbered slots alternating between red and black, with green slots marked '0' and '00' for the European and American models, respectively. Its design guarantees random outcomes and fairness in each spin. Betting revolves around predicting where the ball will land, influenced by the wheel's motion. Comprehending these elements is vital for mastering roulette’s intricacies.

wheel components 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • 1.Turret – the wheel’s upper, rotatable part
  • 2.Turret Base – supports the turret
  • 3.Height Adjuster – adjusts the turret's height
  • 4.Wheel Head – connects to the upper and lower bearing
  • 5.Ball Pocket – where the ball rests after each spin
  • 6.Upper Bearing – a component of the bowl
  • 7.Cone – channels the ball into the wheel’s active area
  • 8.Ball Deflector – barriers that alter the ball’s path
  • 9.Ball Track – where the ball rolls during spins
  • 10.Lower Ball Track – accommodates the deflectors
  • 11.Spindle – slot for the rotating wheel head
  • 12.Bowl Rim – encircles the area for the cone
  • 13.Lower Bearing – part of the bowl
  • 14.Bowl – encases the wheel

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Comparative Overview of Roulette Variants’ Wheel & Layout

In roulette's diverse landscape, variants like American, European, and French offer unique gaming experiences. This table outlines the distinctions in wheel and layout across these versions:

Aspect American Roulette European Roulette French Roulette
Number of Pockets 38 (1-36, 0, 00) 37 (1-36, 0) 37 (1-36, 0)
Inclusion of Zero(s) 2 (0, 00) 1 (0) 1 (0)
Specific Rules - - La Partage, En Prison
Odds and Probabilities Lower Higher Similar to European

American roulette is notable for its 38 pockets, including two zeros, which result in lower winning odds and probabilities. In contrast, the European and French versions, with 37 pockets and a single zero, offer better odds and a more favorable house edge. French roulette also incorporates the La Partage and En Prison rules, providing extra benefits under certain conditions. Understanding these differences enables players to make strategic decisions and customize their approach to each variant.

American Roulette Wheel and Layout

The American version, also known as "double zero" roulette, distinguishes itself with two zeros on the wheel. This increases the total number of pockets to 38, impacting the payouts and elevating the house edge to 5.26%, one of the highest. Additionally, the arrangement of numbers on the American wheel groups high numbers together, unlike the European version.

American roulette wheel and table

European Roulette Wheel and Layout

European roulette, commonly known as classic roulette, has some key distinctions from its American counterpart. The primary differences include the wheel's arrangement of black and red pockets and the presence of only a single zero. This single zero configuration provides a more favorable house edge of 2.7%.

Many players view European roulette as fairer due to its balanced and symmetric wheel design, which evenly distributes colors and numbers, dispelling any concerns of predetermined outcomes.

  • The Zero Game, or Jeu 0, is a specific wager encompassing the same numbers as those nearby, albeit arranged slightly differently. The sequence for this bet is 12-35-3-26-0-32-15, and it carries a winning probability of 18.92%.
  • Neighboring Zero, or Voisins du Zero, is a bet on 17 numbers ranging from 22 to 25 on the wheel. The sequence includes: 22-18-29-7-28-12-35-3-26-0-32-15-19-4-21-2-25. At least nine chips are required to make this bet, with specific placements involving corners and splits.
  • The Third of the Wheel, or Tiers du Cylindre, covers 12 numbers situated on the opposite side of the wheel from numbers 27 to 33, including 27 and 33 themselves. The numbers covered are: 27-13-36-11-30-8-23-10-5-24-16-33, requiring six split bets.
  • Orphans, or Les Orphelins, involves a bet on eight specific numbers: 17-34-6 and 1-20-31-9. These numbers are not part of any other bet combinations, hence the name Orphans, which fittingly describes their isolated placement.
European roulette wheel and table

French Roulette Wheel and Layout

French roulette bears much in common with its European counterpart, especially in terms of the wheel design. Operating with a single zero, it offers one of the lowest house edges available. The inclusion of special rules like La Partage and En Prison allows players to gain an additional edge. Normally, the house edge in French roulette is 2.70%, but with these rules, if a zero is spun, players have the option to either reclaim half their bet or leave it for the next spin, effectively reducing the house edge to just 1.34% and improving the likelihood of winning.

French roulette wheel and table

Roulette Wheel and Table Producers

Online casinos predominantly feature European and American roulette, though the preference among players tends to lean towards the European style, especially in online settings. In physical casinos, however, the choice can vary more significantly. Several renowned roulette wheel and table manufacturers have become synonymous with quality through decades of expertise. Notable among them are TCS John Huxley, now a part of the TCS group celebrated for its excellence; Cammegh, which stands out as a top independent maker of roulette equipment; and Paul-Son, now merged with Gaming Partners, known for their comprehensive range of casino products.


This discussion has covered the essential elements of roulette wheels and tables, emphasizing the importance of number and color arrangements across different versions like American, European, and French roulette. Visitors to Roulette77 are now better prepared to improve their play and make well-informed betting choices. As you advance in your roulette endeavors, we encourage you to explore deeper into the strategic elements of the game, discovering new tactics and enhancing your understanding. Best of luck spinning the wheel!


Which type of roulette is recommended for beginners?

For newcomers, French Roulette is particularly recommended. This variant not only starts with a naturally low house edge of 2.70%, much lower than the American version, but it also allows the use of special rules such as En Prison and La Partage, which can further reduce the house edge to 1.34%. Additionally, the sequence and color arrangement of the numbers on the wheel is more evenly distributed, facilitating a more balanced gameplay.

How do the zero and double zero affect the house advantage?

A zero on the roulette wheel reduces the probability of winning an outside bet from 50% to 48.60%, thereby increasing the house edge. Adding a double zero (found in American roulette) decreases the likelihood of winning even further to 47.37%, effectively raising the house edge to 5.26%. This is significant, but the American version also offers unique betting options like the five-number bet, which, despite the lower odds, can be appealing for its potential high payout.

Can the odds and payouts of roulette bets be calculated?

Indeed, the odds and payouts for each type of roulette bet have been pre-calculated for all major versions of the game. For instance, the probability of winning a straight bet in European roulette is 2.70%, and the payout is 35:1. In comparison, the chance of winning an outside bet is 48.60%, but the payout for these bets is only 1:1.

How many numbers are present on European and French Roulette tables?

Both European and French Roulette tables feature 37 numbers. This includes the numbers 1 to 36 and a single zero, which is situated at the top of the table.

Which roulette games allow for “Announced” or “Call” bets?

“Announced” or “Call” bets are specific to the European and French roulette variants. Unlike regular bets that are based on the table layout, these are placed according to the configuration of the wheel. Here’s an outline of these specialized bets along with the numbers they encompass:

  • Neighbors of Zero – covers the 17 numbers closest to zero on the wheel: 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25.
  • Thirds of the Wheel – includes a sequence of 12 numbers on the wheel opposite to zero: 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33.
  • Zero Game – involves the zero and six numbers nearest to it: 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15.
  • The Orphans – covers numbers not included in the other sections: 1, 20, 14, 9, 17, 34, 6.
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